Guess they never read this . But at the same time a start! Still the idea of transaction authentication is better than person authentication. A good food for thought w.r.t. my ideas around identity.
Updated: November 12 2006 I am trying to come up with the list of vendors and associated products in the Identity and Access Management arena. Please note that this list is based on marketing/public information and my understanding of the terms which may not comply with any specific groups' definitions and/or requirements. This is by no means a complete list and will keep growing as I get more time to add them and find more companies (any help on that front will be really appreciated). Before we go further along, lets try to define what each of these product typically do so that my mode of classification may make sense or any flaw in my classfication will become apparant. Identity Management/User Provisioning These products typically provide the facility of Workflow-based Identity provisioning, password reset, identity reconciliation/discovery, delegated identity administration and self-service features on wide variety of identity platforms (like LDAP, Unix, Windows, Mainfra...
Seems like the 2006 Prediction season is over and so I thought that I will try to capture the various predictions in Identity Management space that I came across. ( Nick at WickID ) Host/Mutual authentication will be critical. There will be an attack against banks using non-cryptographic based host authentication (ie, pictures, cookies). - I am assuming that means machine authentication besides user authentication something similar to that from Passmark and Trusted Network Technology . This makes sense and will really be looking forward to various non-intrusive and intrusive technology in this space. Transaction authentication will become a hot topic later in the year due to session hijacking trojans. - I think people like Bruce Schneier have already been talking about this. An important aspect of transaction authentication is that it needs to be pervasive instead of just being limited to online experience. Besides that the technology that would actually help achieve this should be va...
This is probably one of the oldest functionality that is part of any password based system and by now I was hoping that people will have figured out most of the ways of doing it. But while reading answers on stackoverflow on this topic, I was impressed by new ways being developed and implemented by developers in wild. While reading the discussion I felt that there is lack of a structure to look and study this functionality and this post is an attempt to define a structure. Before I go there, I wanted to capture my understanding of the password reset functionality. Why - Well if we are not noting down all the accounts we have created in life (either electronically or manually), it is possible that we are going to forget passwords for some accounts as we age. Even if you follow some techniques like having standard passwords across all your accounts, due to site limitations, change in word preferences, etc, you may not remember the applicable password for a site and so the lifesaver Why...