AAAA and A in Service World
There are two aspects of Authentication, Authorization, Auditing in the services world. The first aspect (and probably the more difficult from implementation perspective) is integration of the AAA as a cross cutting pattern in to the container, middleware (ESB, MOM, etc), etc to take it out of the service functionality itself and the other being development of AAA &A as service. The first half at this point is an integration nightmare due to no standards available or inadequate standards (like JAAS) or lack of vendors initiatives (like XACML, WS-Trust, Liberty ID-WSF Authentication service) due to either ignorance or no push from clients. I know it is a generalization of the current state but that is not what I would like to cover. On the service side, the Authentication, Authorization, Auditing, Attribute (and role) and Administrative capabilities have been built into the infrastructure but very few have been deployi...