
Showing posts from August, 2005

SSO Solution

I saw this query on one of user groups We are looking to move to a SSO solution, but were wondering what everyone else is doing? we have 5K + employees that all need access to various platforms (Sun Solaris, VMS, AIX, SCO, HP-UX, Windows, Citrix, AD, Web, etc). Is there some sort of app or some such thing that will do a cross-reference of userid's? Or do we even need to worry about that (the 8-character limitation on the Unix boxes)if we implement LDAP or AD? and I thought that this reply should give a starting point to the complete domain of Identity Management for solving the issue. Well my suggestion would be that you should consider the various approaches available to you and probably should implement something that suits your requirements. The various approaches available to you are Consolidation of Authentication repositories well this refers to the basic idea of setting up an enterprise directory which all the products can tie into for authentication purpose and ...